Hosted Private Branch Exchange (PBX)


BeONE is a hosted Private Branch Exchange (PBX) telecommunications technology powered by Hitch On Sdn Bhd, this technology also known as Cloud PBX. Originally, the job of PBX was to provide shared access to a small pool of phone lines, and wireline phone calls were the only type of electronic communication available. Today, the technology allows you make calls over the internet.

With BeONE, we take care of the infrastructure and hardware that makes it work. Capabilities previously unavailable and unimaginable to traditional phone systems are now possible with BeONE. With your business phone system go further, it also means that it can take your business further.

How does Hosted PBX work?

Your PBX is hosted offsite over the internet by BeONE. It frees your company from high hardware, software investment, and maintenance fee. It is installed instantly, and administrator is able to manage the system at fingertips. It is also available on multiple devices to provide a unified business communication

Simple, powerful, affordable

BeONE guarantees 99.7% SLA uptime. Unlike others, BeONE also comes with many great features with no extra charges.

Business On The Go

Mobile Landline Number

One of the best feature about BeONE is, now you can run your office wherever you are. BeONE allows you to make and receive calls with your business landline number, and use other features that comes with it even you are on the go. Now you won't miss another important calls to your office. In any emergency case where you have to work from home, simply operate your office on your desktop or mobile.

When it is time to offline, separate your personal and business calls with your Virtual Receptionist.

Nationwide Numbers

We provide nationwide landline numbers and attractive call packages. Call mobile and landline numbers at a flat rate across Malaysia now!


Drastically minimizing operation cost

BeONE requires no infrastructure and hardware investment. The technology also allows you to make affordable local and international calls, so wherever your clients are, you are no longer surprised by the phone bill at the end of each month.

Flexibility & Mobility

Cut the cords

You are no longer tethered to your desk to make calls. BeONE allows you to make and answer calls anywhere, this is helpful especially for employees that are always traveling or need to work remotely.

Establish Strong Business Image

Win the heart of customers

BeONE let you make business calls, text via mobile phone with your business phone. The calls that you make will come from a local landline number. You’ll maintain a more uniform, professional appearance, can translate to higher customer satisfaction, trust and retention.


Grows with your company

Whether your business is growing bigger or resources became squeezed, you can always scale your phone system, adding or removing users without committing on equipment that you don’t need.

Our Pricing

BeONE Lite

1 user



BeONE 10

1 - 10 Users



BeONE 20

11 - 20 Users



BeONE Customized

Need more than what the basic packages offer? Contact us for a tailor made phone system for you.

Product Enquiry