
Welcoming TM MLS, goodbye TM PRI

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Primary Rate Interface (PRI) has been widely used for the past 40 years to support the voice communications. Some years back, TM started to phase out its copper-based services slowly, including PRI. Many of our clients received official migration notification, which means they must embrace TM Multi-Line SIP.

What is TM MLS?

TM Multi-Line SIP is a single trunk which can handle a desired number of dedicated voice calls, whether to cater for a selected number of employees or for every employee in the organization, depending on the structure of business.



TM MLS’s Benefits

Cost saving

Needless investment on expensive hardware and lower domestic and international call rate.


Adding or removing phone lines according to your business size


Require less effort in managing the phone system.


Able to support remote working, having employees to use phone system as if they are in the office.

More advanced

Able to support Unified Communications

Hitch On’s expertise in TM-MLS

If you are planning to switch to TM-MLS, we can help you like what we have done for other clients.

  • TM certified gateways

  • Supports up to 512 channels

  • Maintain your exisitng phone number

  • Optional hosted solution – you can bring your phone system to cloud!

  • Worry free labour inclusive, 3 years warranty package starting from RM2,000.

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